The hunt for my great-great-grandfather continues…

It has been ages since I started my family tree, and not quite so long ago I discovered I had the wrong family.

Since then I have been tentatively researching and think I have found the right family. They are living in the right sort of area of Bristol, the ages and names match up. But, following the family through the censuses has thrown up some inconsistencies, namely the fathers occupation.

1881 Census
Occupation: Optician; Address: 44 Weston Street;

1891 Census
Occupation: Cabinet [maker – as far as I can make out!]; Address: 4 Pack Horse Lane;

1901 Census
Occupation: Cabinet maker (The handwriting is hard to make out); Address: 6 Ducie Road (was originally called Pack Horse Lane)

1911 Census
Occupation: Optician; Address; 24 Brigstocke Road

I know from my great-grandfathers marriage certificate that his fathers occupation was Cabinet maker. I also know that this is the same family through the years, as all the family members (wife and siblings) are the same, as are their occupations and ages. Also, looking at the historic maps for Bristol, the places they lived in are near enough only a few streets apart.

But, is it the right family?

I could have ordered birth and marriage certificates, but I didn’t want to waste money buying the wrong certificates again. So I tried looking at all the free resources, trying trade directories, newspaper articles. But I found nothing.

I was hoping for a miraculous breakthrough!